DK Gallery

Address: Minsk, Gertsena street, 2A
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DK Gallery collection consists of the works by outstanding Belarusian artists, whose names are rightfully inscribed in the history of fine arts of Belarus. At the same time the gallery is committed to rediscover undeservedly forgotten authors. Exhibition concept of the DK Gallery is in maintaining and promoting the traditions of the Belarusian art, as well as engaging both recognized and aspiring masters in joint projects and exhibitions.

Картинки по запросу галерея ДК

Картинки по запросу галерея ДК

Картинки по запросу галерея ДК

Alongside with permanent gallery and exhibition work DK Gallery is also actively engaged in educational and research activities in the field of painting and art. We offer custom-made, high-quality oil paintings. We provide consultation services on painting selection for:

  • gifts;
  • house, apartment and office interior design;
  • private collections.

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Slavutiya Maystry

The gallery has a collection of gifts and souvenirs, which are created by folk artists and professional artists.

Mikhail Savitsky Art Gallery

The gallery was opened in September 2012 in the city center, close to the Town Hall, in the historical building of city mansion, which is partially reconstructed the interior of the XIX century. This is one of the cultural centers of Minsk.

Gallery Mastatstva

Minsk dwellers and guests of Minsk know that in the "Gallery Mastatstva" there is a greatest selection of the paintings in the capital of Belarus.
