Phones: +375 17 394-40-50
Address: Nezalezhnasci ave., 177, room 25
Auf der Karte ansehen
Route machen

INCANTO offers a wide range of services! Here you can indulge in a SPA-procedures, solarium and try the massage of the head, arms or legs. One of the most popular procedures - it biolifting. This procedure is not only relieve the fatigue of your skin, but also eliminates the muscle tension, helps to improve circulation.

The INCANTO also will take care of your hair. Toning, haircut with the hot scissors, coloring of the eyebrows and eyelashes - all of this and much more can be done in a salon. A special place in the beauty salon takes manicure and pedicure room. Here you can enjoy both the SPA-pedicure and paraffin.
