A charity ball in Brest will support visually impaired children

Brest will play host to a charity ball to support visually impaired children. Descendant of King Louis XVI of France Princess Tania of Bourbon-Parma is expected to come. The event will gather famous musicians, sportsmen, diplomats, businessmen, and philanthropists. The ball will feature a charity auction to raise money for the Zhabinka Residential School for Children with Special Needs. The lots provided by partners and sponsors will include pictures by Brest artists. The funds raised from the auction will be assigned to repair the sensory room and buy a lighted wall panel, an interactive light and sound panel, a fiber optic curtain, special playsets and other necessary equipment.

"The sensory room is designed for special corrective activities with blind and visually impaired children. Thanks to this initiative the room will be well-equipped and up-to-date. This will help modernize the training and facilitate motor development and sensory perception, "director of the boarding school Alexander Kovalchuk said. The event is organized by the Promenada project, Brest Charitable Fund New Generation, and Zhabinka Residential School for Children with Special Needs.

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Viva Rovar Bike Festival

In 2017 Viva Rovar bike festival turns international. It is open to everyone who wishes to take part: organizations, clubs, teams, individuals. In order to take part, one should register on the internet page of the event before 10 May.

Filmfestival "Kinemo"

An fünf aufeinanderfolgenden Abenden werden im Innenhof des Werkstätten-Museum von Z. I. Azgur Stummfilme von Klassiker der Filmkunst weltweit gezeigt, die von modernen belorussischen und ausländischen Musikern und Komponisten aufgesprochen werden.

Abende des Großtheaters im Radziwill-Schloss

Das Festival wird in einem prachtvollen Schloss der belarussischen Magnaten, wo das einheimische professionelle Theater in dem XVIII. Jahrhundert seinen Anfang genommen hat.
