Trinity Church in Vidzy

The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Trinity Church) in the village of Vidzy is Belarus’ second largest Roman Catholic church after the church in Budslav. It is one of the highest churches in the country as its spires are 59 meters high. It is a bit smaller than the famous Roman Catholic church in Gervyaty (61 meters high). Bernardine monks established the first Catholic parish in Vidzy in 1481. The new Neo-Gothic church made of red brick was built in Vidzy in 1914. It was badly damaged during World War I. Artillery shells were built in the walls of the church to commemorate those tragic events. In 2014 the church in Vidzy celebrated its centennial anniversary. The church with soaring spires and pointed arches, sophisticated window lattice and colorful stained-glass windows is one of the most elegant buildings in the country.

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Kloster der Heiligen Elisabeth

Die Märtyrerin Großfürstin Elisabeth war die Schwester der Kaiserin Alexandra, der Ehefrau des letzten russischen Zaren und erlitt wie das Zarenpaar den Märtyrertod durch Bolschewiki-Gotteskrieger im Juli 1918.


Das ist die einzige Kirche, die fast vollständig in seinem ursprünglichen Zustand erhalten geblieben ist.

Catholic Church of St. Andrew

There are suggestions that the church was consecrated in the name of St. Andrew Bobola, but representatives of the Roman Catholic Church of Belarus believe that the church bears the name of the apostle Andrew.
