Trinity Church in Vidzy

The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Trinity Church) in the village of Vidzy is Belarus’ second largest Roman Catholic church after the church in Budslav. It is one of the highest churches in the country as its spires are 59 meters high. It is a bit smaller than the famous Roman Catholic church in Gervyaty (61 meters high). Bernardine monks established the first Catholic parish in Vidzy in 1481. The new Neo-Gothic church made of red brick was built in Vidzy in 1914. It was badly damaged during World War I. Artillery shells were built in the walls of the church to commemorate those tragic events. In 2014 the church in Vidzy celebrated its centennial anniversary. The church with soaring spires and pointed arches, sophisticated window lattice and colorful stained-glass windows is one of the most elegant buildings in the country.

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La chiesa di Kalozha

La chiesa dei Santi Boris e Gleb, o Kalozhskaya, è una perla architettonica della vecchia Grodno, un monumento unico dell’antica arte costruttoria ortodossa del XII secolo in Belarus e in tutta l’Europa Orientale.

Church of Saints Simon and Helena (Red Church)

Church of St. Simeon and St. Helen or Red Church - an architectural monument of Gothic with elements of Art Nouveau. Built in 1905-10 years on Independence Square in the modern means of a landowner Edward Voinilovich in memory of his dead children too early. Architects were B. Marconi, G. Poyazdersky .

La chiesa di San Nicola (Logojsk)

Le maggiori attrazioni di Logojsk sono i resti di una fortezza cittadine dei secoli XI-XIII e due insediamenti del periodo più antico così come gli avvallamenti del terreno e i fossi, il parco e la chiesa di San Nicola costruita nel 1866.
