Cinema Perpetuum Mobile

Indirizzo: Minsk, Masherova ave., 9, KORPUS
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Date: 04/05/2017 - 04/09/2017

Cinema Perpetuum Mobile it's:
- Indie filmmaking (Promote independent filmmaking throughout the world).
- New forms (Search for new forms and solutions in cinematography).
- Non-profit (Cinema Perpetuum Mobile is a non-profit project founded and promoted solely by volunteers).
- Interconnections (Develop and strengthen connections between film-makers and film-making communities all around the world).

Cinema Perpetuum Mobile (CPM for short) is an annual international short film festival. Founded in 2011 in Minsk (Belarus) by a cinephile community, it will celebrate it’s 6th edition in 2017.

Cinema Perpetuum Mobile reaches the audience not only in Belarusian regions and cities, but in other countries as well. It is you who help us bring independent cinema to more and more people, and our community is growing due to the principles we incorporate in our mission: decentralization (horizontal structure of the festival), self-organization (volunteer basis, grassroot initiative), transparency (possibility to join the community at any time, and contribute to festival organization).

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Картинки по запросу синема перпетуум мобиле

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